Welcome to the
State Association of Fire and Emergency Districts
SAFE-D is the only organization dedicated to helping the men and women of Texas Emergency Services Districts
provide fire protection and emergency medical services to more than 10 million Texans.
Sign Up for SAFE-D Legislative Updates
Federal Legislation Update - SDGAA
New: Interested in adding your ESD to the National Special District Coalition's list of SDGAA supporters? Click HERE.
Following the successful House passage of H.R. 7525 in May, U.S. Senators Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) and John Cornyn (R-TX) have now introduced companion Special District Grant Accessibility Act (S.4673)-SDGAA legislation in the Senate as S. 4673. The legislation would establish a first-ever, formal definition of “special district” in federal law and ensure communities served by these local agencies are eligible for all appropriate forms of federal financial assistance.
In addition to codifying this definition, the legislation would require the White House Office of Management and Budget to issue guidance to federal agencies requiring special districts (including Emergency Services Districts) to be recognized as local governments for the purpose of federal financial assistance determinations.
This would be a massively helpful bill for ESDs, as well as all special districts, and we thank Senator Cornyn specifically for making sure Texas leads the way on the issue!
Special Legislative Panel Calls for More Money for VFDs
FAQs About ESDs
Learn more about ESDs - grassroots governments that provide fire protection or emergency medical services at a fraction of the costs of municipal fire departments.
File Your 2025 State-Required ESD Report
State law (Texas Health and Safety Code Sec. 775.083) requires Emergency Services Districts to file a report with the Texas Division of Emergency Management by January 1 of each year.
Through an agreement with TDEM, you can file your ESD's January 1, 2025 report through SAFE-D.
For a link to the currently filed 2025 reports, go here: www.safe-d.org/esdreports25.
ESD Tax Rate Setting Hub
SAFE-D has created a page with resources for ESDs looking for guidance in setting their Ad Valorem Tax Rate. Go HERE to find a recording of the recent ESD Tax Rate Process webcast, links to Comptroller forms, rate setting timelines, and more.
As always, be sure to check with your own counsel should you have the need for legal advice
ESD Websites
Senate Bill 2, passed in 2019, requires Texas ESDs to maintain websites and specifies information that must be available to the public. Here's a link to statutory requirements for local government websites, including ESDs.
Here is a link to Texas ESD websites.
To have your ESD's website added to this list, email admin@safe-d.org.
SAFE-D Video: How to Create an ESD
TEEX Cyber Readiness Summit
When a cybersecurity attack occurs at the local level, it could affect a city, county, or ESD's emergency services, such as fire departments’ in-station or in-vehicle Wi-Fi, 9-1-1 systems and response times, personnel records and more. Learn how to protect your organization from these growing cybersecurity threats by integrating cybersecurity into your preparedness and response plans.
TEEX will hold a Cyber Readiness Summit from April 1-3, 2025 at the Embassy Suites Hotel & Conference Center in San Marcos, TX. This is an opportunity for the Texas emergency services community to join together to discuss this emerging and important topic. GO HERE to register.
Video Library
Access recordings of SAFE-D webcasts by clicking to https://www.safe-d.org/video-library/.
Coming Soon: This content will only be available to members through the soon-to-be-released Member Center.