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The V.G. Young Institute of County Government, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, has certified SAFE-D’s Annual Conference for up to 13.5 hours of ESD Commissioner Training.

Once you have met your requirement of six hours of training for every two years, you can carry over three hours of credit to apply for the next two-year period.

Only ESD commissioners need to report hours via the online form; if you only need a certificate proving your attendance at the conference, please email

To receive your training credit, please complete the Credit Form available at the link above by March 31. After March 31, we will not be able to accept credit forms. Only fill out the form once you have attended all sessions you intend to and have completed your conference training hours; forms will not be accepted early.

SAFE-D, in cooperation with the V.G. Young Institute, will issue certificates via email to commissioners and will report the training hours to the ESDs’ counties. Please allow at least six weeks for processing. To ensure you receive your certificate, please fill out the online SAFE-D Credit Form completely.

For processing purposes, the V.G. Young Institute also requires each commissioner to have their own individual email on the Credit Form (it’s quick and easy to get a free email account through services such as Google, Yahoo or AOL).

Texas A&M’s V.G. Young Institute of County Government is the agency responsible for certifying training for Texas county commissioners, judges and treasurers.

Please Note: Credit for commissioner training cannot be processed until SAFE-D has received payment for your registration and you have submitted your hours online.