Become a Certified Emergency Services Commissioner
Not everyone can become one, but those who do have made a commitment that their constituents can respect.
An ESD commissioner can become a Certified Emergency Services Commissioner – CESC.
“It goes above and beyond the statutory training requirements that a typical ESD commissioner has to meet,” said SAFE-D Executive Director Clay Avery. “It shows that an ESD commissioner has made extra effort to acquire the knowledge necessary to serve his or her community.”
CESCs will receive a certificate of their accomplishment and be recognized in SAFE-D publications.
- In order to become a SAFE-D Certified Emergency Services Commissioner (CESC), the applicant must meet the following conditions:
- Completion of at least two years as an ESD commissioner.
- Be a member of SAFE-D at the time of application and during the time the 25 hours of training outlined below are completed.
- Be current on the required minimum training hours as specified in Chapter 775.0365 of the Texas Health & Safety Code.
- Attendance at a minimum of one SAFE-D Annual Conference during the preceding two years of service as an ESD commissioner.
- Completion of a minimum of 25 hours of accredited, SAFE-D-provided ESD commissioner training including, but not limited to:
o ESD 101 (3 hours)
o Ethics course (at least 1 hour)
o Strategic Planning course (at least 1 hour)
o Records Retention/Management course (at least 1 hour)
o Robert’s Rules course (at least 1 hour)
o Financial Reporting course (at least 1 hour)
o At least one “Legislative participation” component – this can be in the form of an “LP” - marked course at the Annual Conference or participation in a “Third Tuesday”/Legislative Task Force initiative. Current CESCs are “grandfathered in” for this requirement. - Proof of timely submission of the candidate’s ESD audit reports during the time of applicant’s service as an ESD Commissioner. This can be in the form of a page from your meeting minutes, a cover page from your auditor, or some other verifiable example that the audit was submitted.
See the CESC application and more information on the process at: CESC Application Form.
An application must be submitted to be considered. If all components are not met at the time of application, the certification will not be granted and a new application will need to be filled for consideration once the requirements are achieved.